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Stock code:300486


Intelligent shuttle plate type high density storage system
position:Home-Core product-Smart storage equipment-Intelligent shuttle plate type high density storage system
Intelligent shuttle–type and high-density storage system


The high - density storage system is a new and efficient storage system, which can maximize the space utilization of the warehouse. OMH is the first company to launch an eight-wheeled shuttle in China and is the first to use the smart shuttle in a high-density warehousing system.

2. System type:

a. Forklift + shuttle system

b. Stacker + shuttle system

c. Subsidiary& Parent vehicle system

3. Product features:

a. High work efficiency and greatly reduced working hours.

b. High technology integration, good safety and high positioning accuracy.

c. High density storage, the warehouse is 30% higher than the warehouse of roadway stacker.

d. Flexible operation.

e. The access of goods can be advanced or not.

4. Scope of application:

Intensive shelf storage system is suitable for food, beverage, chemical industry, tobacco, etc. Suitable for cold storage operation, reduce low temperature operation time, improve work efficiency and safety. It can be used to increase storage space and storage space.

5. Product specifications and technical parameters:

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Contact us
  • Telephone:0351-3633918
  • Mobile phone:13080310001
  • address:No.59, Fengyuan Road, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China

All rights reserved:OMH SCIENCE Group Co.,Ltd.

Record number:Jin ICP No.12001603
Technical Support:Long Cai Technology (Shanxi) Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved:OMH SCIENCE Group Co.,Ltd.

Record number:Jin ICP No.12001603
Technical Support:Long Cai Technology (Shanxi) Co., Ltd.
